Posts Tagged ‘1970’s ads’

70’s Hair Gone Wild

The up do, the down do, the Farrah do. When you think of 70’s hairstyles, the Farrah “flip” is probably the first style that comes to mind. And with good reason; the Farrah Flip was a cultural phenomenon that promoted itself weekly on our ‘boob-tubes’, thanks to a certain TV show. Even if you didn’t watch Charlie’s Angels, you knew about the Farrah Flip.
But with all the feathered hype, a very 70’s hairstyle was quickly forgotten – the “Dorothy Hamill”.

Yup, before Farrah there was Dorothy Hamill, complete with a supremely cute, subtle ‘feather’ cut. Short, sassy, easily maintained, the Dorothy Hamil was a precursor to the extreme feather Jill Munroe sported on Charlie’s Angels. Of course, now we call Dorothy’s cut a ‘wedge’ cut, but let’s be honest here – it WAS feathered. In fact, I do believe that most 8th grade boys sported this look in the 70’s. Shaun Cassidy comes to mind, and even better, his brother. Nothing to be ashamed of boys – Dorothy Hamill DID win a gold medal at the Olympics, after all.

Feathered Hair


Wrangler Jeans and feathered hair. Serious situations that describe my not-so-serious life, back in the late 1970’s. Oh, yes, the feathered hair meant so much back then. My hair, the boys’ hair. Feathered. If the boy could flip that feathered hair, even better. Seriously – I think the boys had the better feather! Us girls would spend WAY too much time getting that flip just right; boys seemed to just have it without trying. Did they use gel? Did they use mouse? Hey, guys, we HATED you for that!!! Case in point: my saidies date has THE BEST FEATHER EVER, and I spent at least 45 minutes trying to get my feather oh-so-perfect, his looks so natural. Then again, I have no way of knowing how long my date actually spent getting that flip. Hey, John, how long DID it take you to get that perfect flip?

How to look (and smell) good, 70’s style

Oh, the things young teenage girls bought (or in my case, shoplifted) in the late 1970’s. My ‘looking good’ obsession started with Bonne Bell Lip Smackers. My personal favs were grape, Dr Pepper and watermelon. They sold big fatty versions too. And then there was the highly addictive Maybelline Kissing Potion. What a gooey liquid mess these were! But with flavors like bubble gum and kola, how could I resist? The Kissing Potion came in a clear liquid with a roller ball applicator.

Besides the ever-popular Loves Baby Soft, I also wore a fragrance called Blue Jeans. I can still smell the light, musky scent. And yes, I most definitely wore the cologne while skating at our local roller rink in an attempt to drive the boys wild. Then there was Babe by Faberge. Not only could you buy the fragrance, you could get soaps, lotions and deodorant too! And what girl didn’t want to be a Babe?

Last, but not least, one of the easiest items to um, lift. Eyeliner pencils. Small and easy to conceal, an enterprising young girl could lift 4-6 of these pencils at a time. Along with lipstick and nail polish, I’m sure I amassed a large collection of popular cosmetics. What? We were bored and we wanted to look good, and our measly allowance wasn’t nearly enough to keep us in style!

1970’s Hair Care

Ahhh, Agree Shampoo. I can smell the slightly earthy fragrance even now. The 70’s proved to be the birth of many brands of hair care products – it was the beginning of the ‘at home’ hair care boom!

Do you remember:
Faberge (if you tell two friends . . .) and that great honeycomb bottle!
Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific!
Wella Balsam

Yup, this was certainly a defining moment for me – I became a slave to my shampoo. Because I really did want my hair to smell terrific!


Sugar Free!

Sugar Free Tab. The diet soda that stopped me from drinking ANYTHING diet until 2003. I SWEAR, the after-taste STILL lingers! One calorie never did such a great job keeping me away from Coke and Pepsi. Or anything cola for that matter. Ya’ think that coupon is still good?